
Bruce Jesson Lectures have been delivered by: David Lange (2000), Brian Easton (2001), Chris Trotter (2002), Jane Kelsey (2003), Ani Mikaere (2004), Colin James (2005), Gordon Campbell (2006), Laila Harre (2007), Mike Lee (2008), Robert Wade (2009), Annette Sykes (2010), Paul Dalziel (2011), Nicky Hager (2012), Ted Thomas (2013), Mike Joy (2014), Rod Oram (2015), Lisa Marriott (2016), Tāmati Kruger (2017), Bernie Smith (2018), Russel Norman (2019), Sinead Boucher (2020) and Claire Charters (2022).

You may download PDF versions of past lectures by using the ‘Download PDFs‘ link in this menu.

2 thoughts on “Lectures

  1. Please notify me when the Bruce Jesson lecture by Ted Thomas is published online.

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